Ballabeni in the museum-district is a phenomenon. At Munich’s most notable ice cream parlor, people will gladly stand in line for the duration of an average TV sitcom, just to get their tongues on one of Ballabeni’s many innovative flavors. We suggest you take a number and get in line to find out what all the fuss is about. Or head deeper into Schwabing, where Bartu serves Munich’s only 100 % organic ice-cream. If all this organic stuff is way too fancy for you, visit Al Teatro (in walking distance from the hotel) for a good old fashioned goblet of spaghetti ice cream …

Ballabeni, Theresienstraße 48, Maxvorstadt,
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Bartu, Wilhelmstraße 23, Schwabing,
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Al Teatro, Glockenbach, Reichenbachstraße 11
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